// Example Project
// Description: Main Program

#include <iostream>

#include "Polygon.hpp"
#include "Rectangle.hpp"
#include "Triangle.h"


#include "la" //comment

this_is_a_command; alsoOne;

someReturnType32 CLASSY:doThing(type1 arg1, const int arg2) {

"this is not /* a comment";

// breif: prints out some details on a Polygon.
// @shape - does a thing
// Note that it's not passing through a particular Polygon (like Triangle or Rectangle), rather it's the parent.
void printDe/*very hard*/tai/*test*/ls(Polygon* shape) {
std::cout << "Height: " << shape->getHeight();
std::cout << ", Width: " << shape->getWidth();

// Pay particular attention to the results of area(). Even though it's a Polygon, the children produce different results for the function call.
std::cout << ", Area: " << shape->area();
std::cout << std::endl;

int main() {
// Create a rectangle on the heap with a height of 5 and a width of 6
Polygon* rectangle = new Rectangle(532, 6);
// Print information using getters and method
// Set the height to 10 with a setter
// Set the width to 10 with a setter
// Print information using getters and method
// Cleanup the memory in the heap
delete rectangle;

// Create a triangle on the heap with a height of 7 and a width of 9
Polygon* triangle = new Triangle(7, 9);
// Print information using getters and method
// Set the height to 3 with a setter
// Set the width to 4 with a setter
// Print information using getters and method
// Cleanup the memory in the heap
delete triangle;

if(lalal) {
  if(doda) {


  else if(lnea) {



else {

return 0;